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 As individuals, all pilgrims experience things differently in the Holy Land.  There is no right or wrong way.  Pilgrimage does not require a certain degree of piety, only a simple openness to God.  Journeying to the Holy Land provided you with a unique opportunity to touch, to see, to feel, or just to sit and listen, as the prophet Elijah did, to the still, small voice of God.

One opportunity to respond as pilgrims together is when we renew our baptismal promises at the site on the Jordan River where Jesus was most likely baptised by John.  Here we see others being baptised for the first time.

In addition to enjoying the delicious food and warm hospitality of the Holy Land, pilgrims also have the opportunity to relax and sample other delights such as floating in the Dead Sea, swimming at Galilee and shopping for the crafts and products unique to the region.

For the keen photographer, the possibilities are endless as we walk the narrow streets of Old Jerusalem, take in the dramatic grandeur of the Judean Wilderness or admire the vibrant coloured wildflowers of the fertile Galilee region.  It is truly a land flowing with milk and honey, a land of abundance and a land of blessing.